Our Ethos & Values | Mortgage Consultants in London — Skyline Mortgage Consultants | Advisors In Muswell Hill, North London

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Our values are key to how we do business because they are our values. We enjoy relationships built on trust with integrity, reliability and transparency fundamental to who we are and what we do.  


We are people who know about mortgages. 
Not mortgage people.


Skyline Founder and Managing Director Anthony Mallandain is definitely a person who knows about mortgages. 

With over 20 years experience in the financial service sector, Anthony is a specialist with in depth knowledge of the mortgage and protection industry.

Serious about service and committed to getting you the right mortgage for your circumstances, Anthony is that mortgage broker, the one your friends rave about, the one your Dad insists you should use, the one you end up calling time and time again.


Why use a broker?

We believe a broker is always the better option as you, our client, have access to a much larger panel of lenders than High Street Banks and Building Societies can offer.  

At Skyline we give a completely bespoke experience, tailored to you, built as a one on one relationship based on trust. 

We believe that building a great relationship is the best way to make the mortgage process as easy as possible, we can have honest conversations and manage expectations on both sides.

Skyline Mortgage Consultants Anthony Mallandain


If you think we are the right people to partner you through your process, please get in touch